Dates & Tuition

The Yeshivas Kayitz begins on Monday, 11 Tammuz/July 7 at 4:00 PM. YK ends on Wednesday, 12 Av/ August 6 at 9:00 AM. Tuition is $3699, exc. airfare and mandatory health insurance.


The YK Prague campus boasts spacious rooms with a large Zal & gym. 3 nutritious meals are served daily, catered by the YK chef. The campus is situated in the heart of the Old Jewish quarter, with views to the Maharal's shul & Vltava river.

Activities & Trips

The 4 week program is filled with sports & exciting trips. YK Prague offers a dynamic and engaging program tailored for every bocher. Fascinating excursions to iconic landmarks in Prague and beyond - Vienna, Krakow, & more, providing an unforgettable blend of fun and exploration.


The learning at Yeshivas Kayitz is the main focus, featuring Chassidus shiurim by the YK Mashpia. The Seider Iyun curriculum emphasizes איכות, while Seider Girsa focuses on כמות. Every day ends with a Seder Chassidus בחברותא.